24. Hiving

Hiving is a leading online platform to voice your opinion, share experiences and help brands to innovate better. Hiving is a survey panel that will enable you to earn money for each survey that you complete. Survey panels play a huge role in gathering data for large companies on consumer behavior.

The Hiving is panel that was founded in 2009 by a French market research company. Since then, the company has grown to have a presence in 20 countries around the globe! “Hiving” refers to the term of “bringing a focus back to life at home, while still keeping open and strong communication with the outside world”. Start Hiving today! 

Joining Hiving is very easy, on the homepage select country, South Africa. You will be redirected to a registration form. Once you are done with registering, you will receive email notification, activate the link and log in. There are various ways to earn cash on Hiving. 

1) Taking surveys, you will be notified of a survey via an email like below, so do check your email regularly for surveys.

2) Micro-Tasks, on this section you can take various tasks to earn some points. While some of the tasks are very simple, you might get a couple that are very confusing. Some of the tasks include; matching products, matching correct details, getting phone numbers from the yellow pages etc. The more you undertake tasks the more you will be eligible to receive more tasks.

 3) Lottery: You can use your points to play Hiving lottery to earn more points

Rewards😄😄..I have two issues with Hiving site. There is high rate of disqualification on surveys and secondly I am not pleased with the reward system. You must collect at least 4 000 Hiving points in order to redeem them and conversions are only possible in stages of 4 000 points. The Hiving reward system is based on the following:
4 000 Points = $4
8 000 Points = $8
12 000 points = $12

Your Hiving points will be Credited only when they have collected the number of completed surveys they need to fill the project quota. This can take up to 30 days. Payouts are paid to PayPal. So you need to have Paypal in order to receive your rewards.

Hiving Survey Review
Overall Ranking: 5/10

App: No
Method of Payment: PayPal
Fee: Free
Technical Support: Good

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