11. Opinion Bureau

Opinion Bureau community has been developed by Internet Research Bureau Pvt. Ltd. (IRB) to enable consumers to show the power of their voice and opinion and directly influence the market research and markets. Opinion Bureau is an open community for everyone and it’s membership is completely voluntary and FREE. Signing up is as simple as possible maintaining high standard of sophistication. Once you sign up your account will be verified and approved by. As soon as your account is approved, you start receiving surveys in your mailbox and “Current Survey” portal based on your profile information.

Opinion Bureau offers online surveys and polls on the products and services you use in your day-to-day life and the opportunity to share your opinion & feedback and get paid for your successful participation. You do no get rewarded for polls but for live polls you sometimes get rewarded.

  • R 50.00 Joining Bonus
  • Earn R 10.00 for each of your referrals
  • Earn up to R 100.00 for completing a survey
  • Redeem your reward as soon as you have
    R 100.00 in your account
  • Available multiple choices to redeem your reward

Opinion Bureau Survey Review
Overall Ranking:6/10
Fee: Free
Frequency of surveys: Not a lot
App: No
Customer service: Good
Website: Opinion Bureau


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